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Dec 2015

One of the primary things I like to add to any conversation (except this one) is pictures, mjpg and links.

I take pictures during the prints to keep customers updated. I give an mjpg at the end for the entire print. I use an OctoPrint, OctoPi for video and take window ‘grabs’ in Mac.

When I add them as attachments, they get thrown away. (Because they aren’t additional things to print.)

So, I create a dropbox and add stuff there.

I’d guess it would be a lot of storage to store videos and pictures.

I like the user seeing the items in the conversation and not having to click elsewhere.

Am I doing this wrong? Is recognizing the attachments as jpg, tiff, png, bmp, mjpg

useful to others?

At the end of each print, I document each object with multiple pictures if needed.

(Because I’m bored.)

  • created

    Dec '15
  • last reply

    Apr '16
  • 3


  • 635


  • 4


Hi @gddeen, adding image and video updates to the order is actually something we encourage all Hubs to do, so I’m happy we’re on the same wave length here :wink: I’ve added a screen grab with the add images button on the order page. What type of files/size have you tried adding that it didn’t work? A screen grab with the error message generated could also help! Cheers

I have always added images to my orders… Customers love it! they even send updated STL files this way when making fixes to them before overwriting the original ordered stl

4 months later

I have an order right now, where the customer claims they cannot see the pictures I’ve uploaded. Where do the attachments appear on their screen/view?