I got scanning capabilities, I’d have to guess some dementions because we don’t have the whole complete part? It needs the bottom peice? Let me know, we can talk over the phone too sometime.
Part is simple and any CAD modeler should be able to rebuild this easily. What you want to do is provide precise measurements for each feature. If certain features of the latch aren’t as important to get accurate, then it will simplify the job of the modeler person. Also, you want to specify what material you want this printed.
I’ll do it. Could you please send me the parts?
Also, you could take a pic with a mm ruler on the frame
Modeling your part would be a MUCH easier way to go. I can have it ready in 45-50 mins
I was going to say the same thing as Arya … Pretty easy to model and print with the part or at least as many detailed measurements as possible. I suggest HIPS (high impact polystyrene)
Where should I send the parts? The smaller is the complete version I just need it in the size of the larger piece.
How about this: Call me 6103083219 and we can talk addresses, this is public so putting my address out there isn’t the greatest idea.
Hello Wanda ,
you must send us the latch so we modeling in 3D .
We 'll print and send it by mail
Benoit - France Atome3D
I can scan, model and print in in reinforced carbon fiber…near break again
We’re 20+ year 3D scanning experts right here in Baltimore! We don’t print in-house but we know a great local printer source for this. Happy to take a look at this for you. Go to www.Bmore3D.com for contact info. We’re in Owings Mills.
Hi Wanda, we can scan, modeling and print with our ProJet 3510SD. We have two materials,VisiJet Crystal and Visijet X.
Sen us an email
I can have this part made for you in about 3 days. I just need the exact measurements and how you want to pay for it. Since I am not a graphic artist, I
Would put the job up for bid (Approx cost for file would be about $35) then I would be able to print it for you and mail it to you. Total cost would be about $70
with shipping included. Please let me know and i’ll get started on it.
Where shall I send parts? How much will all cost?
I’ll do it for fifty bucks. All included
Just need to sort out details. Payment where to send my parts for scanning.
Just need to sort out details. Payment where to send my parts for scanning.
Thanks I will give them a call