I followed the guide from formlabs to clean the galvos, then assemble them, but I mistake the screws on the top and the bottom, then I noticed this, correct it. but it doen’t help, When i leave the screws away, I can open the machine, but when assembled them, it will be shut down again. so i decide to leave the printer open, then tighten the screws, the screen become black again, I press the open button, “formlabs” come out then disappear, then i untighten the screws and press the button again, nothing come out this time. and it could never be open now. when i check the plug the power cable, the open button will flash for a secone then nothing appears. did you guys can help me with this? please give me some suggestiongs on this.
I will leave my skype here,if you guys can help me with this, please add me.
I used wrong size screws, and the board has been damaged, no current transport, so it can’t be open. Now I am trying to buy a kind of liqiud to repair it.
sorry outdated… I hope you are successfull with you repair.
it could be that the screws damaged the main board (bottom side). Could you check if the is maybe a piece of metal which may cause a short cut if you tigthen the screw ?