September 27, 2016, 6:45am
I followed the guide from formlabs to clean the galvos, then assemble them, but I mistake the screws on the top and the bottom, then I noticed this, correct it. but it doen’t help, When i leave the screws away, I can open the machine, but when assembled them, it will be shut down again. so i decide to leave the printer open, then tighten the screws, the screen become black again, I press the open button, “formlabs” come out then disappear, then i untighten the screws and press the button again, nothing come out this time. and it could never be open now. when i check the plug the power cable, the open button will flash for a secone then nothing appears. did you guys can help me with this? please give me some suggestiongs on this.
I will leave my skype here,if you guys can help me with this, please add me.
SKYPE ID: winson-qi.
Sounds like you make a shortcut in the circuit with the screews. Are you sure that you use the correct length for the right side?
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September 27, 2016, 9:19am
Send us pictures.
I do not have access to skype
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September 27, 2016, 9:34am
I have checked the circuit board, found that it has been damaged by the screws, I am trying to some liquid to repair it, hope this works.
September 27, 2016, 9:35am
I used wrong size screws, and the board has been damaged, no current transport, so it can’t be open. Now I am trying to buy a kind of liqiud to repair it.
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September 27, 2016, 9:40am
That’s bad luck, hope it can be fixed.
Personally I wouldn’t attempt any repairs until you’ve spoken to Formlabs about it.
September 27, 2016, 11:29am
I can back that. I had a problem with my Form1+ before.
3 week before the end of my warranty. They fixed the printer for free.
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September 27, 2016, 1:09pm
If the liquid you are talking about is conductive paint you need to be sure the circuit path you are trying to fix is low current.
Conductive paints in my experience do not perform well for high current signals. An alternative would be to solder the break
in the circuit. To do so you need to scrape the solder resist off (which you will have to do anyway to fix with conductive paint)
and flow the solder across the break. If the break is small this is easy. If it is large you may need to bridge the gap with a piece of fine wire.
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Hi Winson,
sorry outdated… I hope you are successfull with you repair.
it could be that the screws damaged the main board (bottom side). Could you check if the is maybe a piece of metal which may cause a short cut if you tigthen the screw ?
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