Hello Brian and everyone else.
We are proud and thankful to be 3D Hubs members for many years now.
3D Hubs has contributed immensely to increase the popularity of 3d printing but with success certain responsibilities are acquired: we want to ask 3D Hubs to set minimum prices per cm3.
We are NOT proposing FIXED prices but a BASE PRICE that no one can go lower.
It is healthy competition between hubs that a client can upload a model and compare the prices offered by all of us but some hubs seem to be hobbyists that are happy to charge just enough to buy their next spool and by doing so, they harm all of us with their excessive low prices. That is just unethical and unfair competition and will tarnish 3D Hubs reputation in the long run. You know how hard it is to build a business and how fast and easy it can be lost.
Customers ask us why we are “so expensive” when the other hub charges only $2. ( yes, TWO dollars !?!! ) To charge that unrealistic price we would need to reduce the quality of our prints. If this situation persists, soon the clients will find in 3d Hubs only mediocre print jobs.
We have worked very hard for almost three years to get 75 reviews and we constantly monitor other hubs to have our prices at the same range. We used to get one order per week and while we still get inquiries, since the cheap hubs appeared we get a job only once a month. When we ask the client why he did not assign his print to us they say they found another hub with a better price.
That is precisely why there are minimum prices set across all industries. As a customer you know an approximate cost of eggs at any supermarket or the average cost of services like a Laundromat. Prices do vary but they stay within a range, that creates fair competition and to gain customers you would add a discount on support removal, free shipping, same day manufacture, etc. In our opinion this is how things should work and it would be on the benefit of the customers, your hub and 3D Hubs.
Take for example a Hub that is charging $6 for a model that costs between $20 and $40 in all other hubs. He does not realize that the day his printer goes kaputt he will have not made any money to buy another one and will be out of business. In the meantime we are all forced to try to match his offer. It is great to see young entrepreneurs succeed but this is simply unfair competition. If he would charge the correct price he would also be making a lot more money for the same effort and 3D hubs a bigger commission.
We work very hard to make a living of this business, other hubs just want to earn extra money and some do it just for fun. Regardless, a client should pay a fair price for the work that it takes to deliver a 3d print.
Politely we want to ask 3d Hubs to set a minimum price per cm3 that no one can go below.
Thank you.
Claudia and José
Aug '16last reply
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