"Price fixing is an agreement between participants on the same side in a market to buy or sell a product, service, or commodity only at a fixed price, or maintain the market conditions such that the price is maintained at a given level by controlling supply and demand.
The intent of price fixing may be to push the price of a product as high as possible, generally leading to profits for all sellers but may also have the goal to fix, peg, discount, or stabilize prices. The defining characteristic of price fixing is any agreement regarding price, whether expressed or implied."
Now you are conflating an individual entity’s business strategy with the regulating of an entire market place. If you don’t understand that BASE PRICE = PRICE FIXING, and that this kind of thinking is counter productive and destructive anytime it has been implemented in history, then I don’t know what else to say other than I’m thankful you are not in charge.
Hello Miaviator!
Thank you, this is a great contribution.
Without saying that you are backing our proposal of a minimum price, your calculations are a great way to show that there is indeed an operational cost and that there should be a base price that no one should be able to go below.
Thank you for the time you have taken.
Aggression? Just trying to debunk misinformation.
In my opinion the policy you are proposing is aggressive.
Hallo Mindfull.
“This kind of thinking is counter productive” according to? … You and the people that share your ideas.
If you are not capable of respecting other points of view and think that yours is the only truth, then we are also glad that you re not in charge.
One can tell that you just enjoy stirring things up just for fun. Please stay within the topic of our proposal.
You have voted against it and made your point. If you want to talk about capitalism and economy, please open another Talk.
Jose (not from Venezuela but from Germany)
So all of us must have the same operating costs? What if someone is running off solar panels? What about people who make their own filament?
How am I off topic? I respect facts. The more that a point of view is supported with them, the more respect it deserves.
(off topic on my part but) You Are Awesome! I am speechless, Doesn’t it feel awesome to give the prints away, and see the sparkles in the eyes of the ones on the receiving end! That warms my little heart, I love giving away little prints… I give away probably about 20 makerbot fish per week(and some Big Prints as well)…just for fun(to spread the word and to invoke thought
! People are absolutely amazed and pluss it is something they remember! I have had some coming back asking to Buy more Fish afterwords lol. But the main thing is; I am giving away knowledge and Ideas, and if I can influence one person out of all of them to follow their dreams and do something they love, then I have won in my eyes. It is a priceless feeling to give a child a 3d printed object, that would otherwise never be able to afford one. The children are our future, and children and adults both seem to be blown away by the power of computing when it manufactures a solid real object at the click of a button.
I was thinking the same thing too, I bumped up against something similar before. Trying to drop my prices to build up my feedback. Miaviator I would love to shake your hand sometime for real! You seem like an awesome person. Keep on Geekin On! and HAPPY PRINTING my friends! It is thoughtful Kind Hearted People That Make this world tolerable. Thank You
let’s keep 3d printing evolving and make it available to all…for the rich and the poor! and everything in between…
I am genuinely unaware of a system you described, “minimum prices set across all industries.”, off the top of my head other than Venezuela. Not meant to be aggressive/offensive.
@Matterthings José,
My calculations above show a real world operational cost for my hub operation. I believe I’m overpriced even at $.10 per cm3 as the calculations show I can make a profit in equipment and dollars at prices as low as $.05 per cm3.
The calculations from my other post below which I will expand upon here show that the CURRENT BASE PRICE already implemented by 3D Hubs is currently to high and may stifle future free market competition allowing another platform to encroach upon 3D hubs service.
Recycled water bottles and other household plastics.
$0.00 per cm3
*It is important to note that the cost of filament could run into negative territory. If someone sets up a recycling center or sets up shop at a recycling center they could theoretically charge a small fee to recycle plastics which would yield them a negative cost per cm3 of filament.
Solar or hydro power utilized for a home or another business.
$0.00 per hour (cost is written off for another entity)
Printer Depreciation:
Using modular design and true reprap philosophies the depreciation of a home made printer can easily reach less than 1% per month. Upgrades and new printers could be purchased for very little ($65-$100 using direct from china electronics and 3D printed parts)
Hourly or per CM3 cost of around $.005
3D Hubs Service Fee
Student Discount: Not offered to keep prices lower.
Labor and Profit: If this is a part time or ancillary business venture the printer would operate in an existing shop and simply bring in extra revenue. Very slim margins would be needed.
This scenario, which is not far fetched, would result in a per cm3 cost below THE CURRENT 3D HUBS FORCED BASE PRICE of $.01 per cm3 and $1 per order.
I would be willing to invest some money into a hub who wishes to operate this way and offer sub $.01 per cm3 prints.