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Aug 2016

“price-fixing: the maintaining of prices at a certain level by agreement between competing sellers.”


"Price fixing is an agreement between participants on the same side in a market to buy or sell a product, service, or commodity only at a fixed price, or maintain the market conditions such that the price is maintained at a given level by controlling supply and demand.

The intent of price fixing may be to push the price of a product as high as possible, generally leading to profits for all sellers but may also have the goal to fix, peg, discount, or stabilize prices. The defining characteristic of price fixing is any agreement regarding price, whether expressed or implied.

Price fixing requires a conspiracy between sellers or buyers. The purpose is to coordinate pricing for mutual benefit of the traders. For example, manufacturers and retailers may conspire to sell at a common “retail” price; set a common minimum sales price,…"

Awesome Breakdown Miaviator!!! AWESOME! Well composed and thought out, Thank You Very much for this and taking the time to write it! This helps me! THANK YOU!!!

Also off topic:

We actually print a ton of the Cube Gears off thingiverse for office workers to put on their desks. Every time we give one away we hear back that all visitors walk in, pick up the cube and start twisting it and asking questions. I ran into an issue a while back where I had dozens of spools of 10-100g of filament that I didn’t want to throw away and couldn’t use for orders so I just started printing pokemon and other little trinkets to give away.

It’s the same type of evangelism we did with bitcoin in 2010-2012 and continue today. We used to give out 10BTC ($30 at the time $6,000 now) silver physical bitcoins to promote awareness. Although I don’t think anyone will be selling a cube for 200X what they cost in a few years the goal of spreading awareness still applies.

Hello Miaviator

Your input is great.

3D hubs has operational costs and lives on the commission that they make on us. At $.10 per cm3 there is no business for them or for us.

We are not very different from a mechanic in a garage who has operational costs and charges a certain fee per hour and makes a profit with his hand labor, knowledge and even on the shipping of the spare parts he sales. Is that wrong or bad?

We all know how much a car mechanic charges and the same formula, as you have shown, should be used for makers with 3d printers.

We all need to feed our families and there is nothing wrong in making a profit.

We still believe there should be a BASE PRICE so we can all stand in common ground.



Here is what I should have wrote before all else lol!!! Sorry to all I have offended (if any at all)!!! I LOVE 3d Hubs and all of its community!

LOL Sorry But I have to add this lol, We are an international community!!! and so proud to be a part of this awesomeness!!!

(while maybe not proud to be a part of this conversation anymore) but guys We all get to share our opinions and that is part of what makes this community so great! The initial Post scared me and that is why I responded to it,( and read it three times). I am sorry if I misunderstood what you were communicating, but I also have a Young gentleman in my neck of the woods that started after I did, and OH My Goodness!!! WOW this kid (young adult)has blown everyone around here out of the water with his amount of work! But THAT IS FREAKIN COOL!!! I am astonished by him, and just downright impressed!!! He is kickin butt and taking Names lol, but I am super happy for him! I would Love to meet him, and my hat is off to him! also though I don’t feel threatened by him and I would hate for some entity to step in and tell him cannot do this anymore! It is his time, money, and life! Who would I be to tell him how to conduct his booming business, when it is clearly devouring mine lol, but I am serious, I am super stoked for him! also If I wanted I could do the same thing, and this is what keeps the prices fair for the CONSUMER.

Now mind that Price Control ect are different… But however I just don’t want anymore Price Floors, or ceilings and I am just down right against more regulations on pricing. I think the power of free will is awesome and the right to choose / set our own prices(and PRICE FLOOR) is a privilege, and A PRIVILEGE I LOVE! I cringe at the thought of someone telling what amount of monetary value I should project/impose/access upon myself. (this is what worried me originally)

I think 3d Hubs has made an Awesome Pricing System, with all the different options on how to calculate volume “bounding box” ect… , and Price wars are never fun when we are doing this for survival, but that is how most of this world operates. Competition can be friendly or it can be a Bear… good luck to all and HAPPY PRINTING :slight_smile:

PS. This is what I Love we can all sit around and discuss and even argue occasionally :slight_smile: or agree to disagree and AGREE!!!

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: and it all gets worked out and the misunderstandings normally fade away… It can be frustrating wanting jobs and constantly getting underbid, but I think there must be a better solution yet to come., like letting time straighten this out.or

You can always educate others as well drumming up new business…it can be a blast and enlightening to the community at the same time! If you need good quality clients, just a suggestion is start teaching seminars at your local libraries ect… CHEERS!

Also LOOKING over a few things I WOULD LIKE TO SAY HOW IMPORTANT I THINK IT IS TO SUPPORT 3d Hubs!!! and to run every job through their site, especially Not encourage people to submit their Jobs through Email as this is fair to NO ONE PERIOD!!!