Thanks @Fargo3D !
Hi Guys at Fargo 3D,
I can only say the same about your site!! Looks great!!
Keep up the good work and it’s very nice to know that there is a similar company on the other side of the world !
Kind regards, Guy
Yes, really cool!
Ah! Really cool. Indeed, just looks clean. Nothing to add
Hey filemon, I would love to put this on my site, but it isn’t showing up when i paste it in the of my html code. I can send you the code if you can help. Thanks.
Yes, please shoot me an email to filemon[at] with the issue. Code is not needed, just a quick explanation will do
Added to our facebook page 2
This is a great powertool Filemon, my new site is in the make and this has to be on it …
Hi, wonder if you can help me. How did you create the ‘Order’ tab on the page and linked the ‘Shop Now’ button to it? Thanks!
Hi Daniel, im using an app called thunderpenny
Added it to my website. Awesome tool!
Take a look at my website if you are interested.
Sweet! Like that you’ve added the explanatory steps, great idea!
Thank you! I appreciate your feedback!
I would really like to embed this on my Google Site
But google seems to have some limitations when it comes to calling java. Would you be able to help me with this?
Hi @Jinxbot, we don’t support Google Site yet unfortunately. It’s on the backlog, but until that time I fear there’s little I can do to help. Sorry to keep you waiting on this. Best, Filemon
No worries Filemon,
I am working on a Google Script that might let me do it. If I figure it out I will post it. If you guys get to it before I can solve it, is there a way to be notified? Also my concern was about the 7.5% vs the 12% Hubs commission, Is there a way to still achieve the lower commission through using the link instead of the widget?
That would be great, thx!
The 7.5% widget service fee is indeed our minimum. Considering fees to payment providers (±3.5 - 4%) as well as server cost and support, this is already on or even below cost price for us. Hope that explains!
Sorry if I was confusing,
I meant since I cant get the widget working as of now, Am I stuck with the 12% Even if I am linking from off page.
Got it. And yes, I fear that’s the case
Hi Filemon, excellent stuff. Thanks a lot for the widget. Has the topic of language localization been explored further within the dev team ? 3d Hubs is positioning the “local 3d printing” theme strongly and fostering the local communities and hence it would be favorable if we could keep the entire customer journey in a single language. Having said that, can I customize this order widget to display the dialogs (file upload, order dialog, cost quote) in a local language - not just the button text ?
I saw a couple of threads on the talk forum regarding language localization and you guys hinted quite a while ago, that this was on your roadmap.
Thanks !
Hi Daniel, It’s on our radar, but not yet on the roadmap. This means it will (most likely) not be developed within the next 6 months. Sorry to keep you waiting for this one. Cheers,
Is it possible to to customize this widget so that it submits an STL from the server hosting the button (i.e. my own site) or an external URL so that the user isn’t required to upload their own model? I’ve got an object available on Thingiverse and rather than have less than savvy users first download the model, then upload it to 3D hubs, I’d like to help simplify the process.
First, I love the order widget. It’s been a great addition to my site and service and will definitely be continuing to use it!
I am wondering if it’s possible to change the styling of the button? I’ve tried to add an additional class to the button and apply custom styling, but it’s overwritten with default styling, or breaks the widget altogether. Is there a way to add custom styling to the widget so that it more closely matches the theme/style of my site?
Thanks for the help!
I’d also be very interested in being able to style the button to fit my site.
Hey Filemon,
Would you be able to provide a list of different website builders that support the Order Widget?
Wow! this is sweet
Hmmm good question, not by heart. @Brian do we have a complete list ready we can share?
It can be integrated into most of-the-shelf software packages, I’ve seen Wordpress and Squarespace quite often. Many other packages should support it as long as it allows you to embed a piece of custom code.
Let me know if you have a specific tool you’re looking at and we can check it out.