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May 2016
3 months later
2 months later

Hi @Jinxbot, we don’t support Google Site yet unfortunately. It’s on the backlog, but until that time I fear there’s little I can do to help. Sorry to keep you waiting on this. Best, Filemon

No worries Filemon,

I am working on a Google Script that might let me do it. If I figure it out I will post it. If you guys get to it before I can solve it, is there a way to be notified? Also my concern was about the 7.5% vs the 12% Hubs commission, Is there a way to still achieve the lower commission through using the link instead of the widget?

That would be great, thx!

The 7.5% widget service fee is indeed our minimum. Considering fees to payment providers (±3.5 - 4%) as well as server cost and support, this is already on or even below cost price for us. Hope that explains!


Sorry if I was confusing,

I meant since I cant get the widget working as of now, Am I stuck with the 12% Even if I am linking from off page.