I have a Flashforge Creator Pro and using Simplify3D. How do I get my printer to start using a different filament at a certain layer. For example I’m printing a key chain name tag and want to print the base with one filament and print the top layers of the name with a different filament. Also, I use DesignSpark for modeling.
You have to export the model from designSpark as two seperate models, one for the base and one for the text. Then you import them both into Simplify3D, make sure they are properly aligned and under the tools tab you click dual extrusion wizard. After that you specify which extruder prints each model then click ok and prepare to print. From then on it is the same as any other print. Hope this helped.
There are two different methods I use for printing different filaments based on height.
The simpler, but cruder method is to use the ‘Pause at zpos’ option on the flashforge menu to stop the print at the desired level, and then swap the filament while the machine is paused (I’ve done this a few times. Provided you’ve got the printer’s ‘Pause with heat’ option enabled, you shouldn’t have any problems with it. Though since the printer doesn’t wipe the nozzle after resuming from pause, there might be a little oozing that catches on where it re-starts)
The other option, for if you’re confident doing a dual extrusion print, is to add a second process in Simplify3D, set it to use the extruder that is loaded with the secondary filament, and then set the ‘Start/stop printing at height’ options in the ‘Advanced’ tab in both processes to set where you want one to finish up and the other to begin.
Mostly I watch it and pause manually, but also once the print has started, you can use the ‘pause at z-position’ option which lets you set a mm height position to pause at. It’s a shame this is mm rather than layer number. You still need to watch the printer however, because if it times out before you change filament and unpause the print will stop.
- YouTube watch this video and at about 4 minute mark all your questions will be answered… i had no clue how to do it and after watching the video, i can now 3d print in 2 colours…hope that helps
This is easily done in simplify 3D draw your part as you wish and cut or break the part at the height you want then delete the top part…save the lower as an stl file then control z until the whole part is back then delete the lower part and save as an stl. Now in simplify 3D, import both parts and go to “tools” “duel extrusion wizard” set up the colors you want on the right and left, you can also adjust infill,speed and temp ect. Slice , print and enjoy!
Waddell, did you get the info you were looking for? I have some very easy methods of doing this on a single extruder machine (Replicator 2) with Simplify3D and I’m willing to create a tutorial video to show you how. I just don’t want to waste a lot of my time or yours if you have already got it with a way you are happy with. I actually specialize in doing crazy creative stuff like this. Here are a few pictures of some of the work I have done with this technique.