And here it is! Forgot to turn on the active cooling for the first few mm so it’s not exactly perfect but, hey. Ya get the idea. The plasticine is an addition by one of my guinea pig clients.
hey @Krumbacher! just finished my design! it’s not as cool as the Surfdome pintail I gotta admit but it’s a V1 Need to add some spigots to the board still!
colorfabb filament is intended to be printed between 195°C and 220°C. Of course, it depends on the printer you use, the model you print and the result you want but I am still trying to find the lower temperature to print. I think you are a bit high.
What is your printer? If it’s a Replicator 2 we could exchange our x3g in order to have a better idea of the settings.
I really do not have any problem upgrading my account and downloading S3D v3. I just had to check by myself which version was the latest (the software update did not the job) and give some information in order to upgrade my account. Worked like a charm.
Yeah. I started at the suggested settings but then Colorfabb themselves say “Don’t be afraid to work outside these settings if it works for you” or something like that.
My printer’s a FlashForge Creator Pro but it uses x3g. What’s your email?
I’ve been checking for updates via the S3D software for weeks and then, as you say, the ‘check for update’ tab doesn’t work. :-/
I upgraded the account easily enough but then the software stopped accepting my credentials. Go figure. Really must say that, while S3D may be very useful, for sold software, I find it a bit buggy. Or maybe it’s just my Mac :-/
You can send through dvienne at gloomyspark dot com
It seems that The Creator Pro and the Rep2 are compatible (clones?) so I should not have any issue with 0 coordinate and other things like that. Please, create a simple file with just a torso or a head so I won’t have to print an entire building plate!
I never had any issue with S3D on my Mac… Perhaps you should contact the support team, they are quite reactive.