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Jun 2015

I only designed one part so far…but I’ve got a few ideas :slight_smile:

This one has a spigot that fits into most of the holes in the parts. - Those holes are just crying out to have accessories fitted into them! Everything from armour to roller-skates come to mind.

Then there’s extras that fit on using the ball-and-socket joints. I was thinking I’d design a velociraptor claw first. :smiley:

Any other ideas, guys??




Hey there,

All of the parts are designed to be printed without support. I must admit that it can take some time to get just the right settings and I’m still perfecting mine. I’ve found that 3 perimeter shells and 20% infill is a good trade-off at 100uM, using Colorfab PLA/PHA. There is some variation between colours but this is usually in temperature. Do you have some pics of your results that we could see?





It seems I resolved my problems. The main problem was that Tinkerplay on Android throws 75% scaled STL. This will make more difficult to print the files.

See this screenshot:

Google Photos

Finally, I printed a simple robot scaled at 100%:

Google Photos

The parameters I used on a Replicator 2, Simpify3D 3.0.0 and with colorFabb PLA / PHA Olive green are:

  • Layer height: 0.1mm
  • Top solid layers: 7 (could be changed to less)
  • Bottom solid layers: 7 (could be changed to less)
  • Shells: 2
  • Infill: 20% - Rectilinear
  • Infill extrusion width: 120%
  • No support
  • Temperature: 205°C
  • Cooling:
    • First layer: off
    • Above first layer: 100%
  • Print speed: 3600mm/min

When I left my office this morning, the print was not finished. I will see this evening if the test is OK. It should be… I already printed two jointed parts which were good enough.

The result was not visually good and the overhangs of the spider torso did not print well so some parts were not attached together.

See below for more information… :wink:

Nice one, Dominique. Interesting that your temperature is so much lower than mine ( I’m at 230 for first layer, then 215 ) but otherwise we have more-or-less similar settings

Yeah. The default seems to be 75% on the iPad app too. I’ve only printed one character at 75% - The Samurai warrior - The joints were rather loose but then, I was using standard Flashforge PLA, which isn’t exactly high-quality.

How are you getting on with Simplify3D v3? I tried to update and got myself into all kinds of problems with account settings. :-/

Hope your print comes out well!




colorfabb filament is intended to be printed between 195°C and 220°C. Of course, it depends on the printer you use, the model you print and the result you want but I am still trying to find the lower temperature to print. I think you are a bit high.

What is your printer? If it’s a Replicator 2 we could exchange our x3g in order to have a better idea of the settings.

I really do not have any problem upgrading my account and downloading S3D v3. I just had to check by myself which version was the latest (the software update did not the job) and give some information in order to upgrade my account. Worked like a charm.

Yeah. I started at the suggested settings but then Colorfabb themselves say “Don’t be afraid to work outside these settings if it works for you” or something like that. :slight_smile:

My printer’s a FlashForge Creator Pro but it uses x3g. What’s your email?

I’ve been checking for updates via the S3D software for weeks and then, as you say, the ‘check for update’ tab doesn’t work. :-/

I upgraded the account easily enough but then the software stopped accepting my credentials. Go figure. Really must say that, while S3D may be very useful, for sold software, I find it a bit buggy. Or maybe it’s just my Mac :-/



You can send through dvienne at gloomyspark dot com

It seems that The Creator Pro and the Rep2 are compatible (clones?) so I should not have any issue with 0 coordinate and other things like that. Please, create a simple file with just a torso or a head so I won’t have to print an entire building plate! :wink:

I never had any issue with S3D on my Mac… Perhaps you should contact the support team, they are quite reactive.