I only designed one part so far…but I’ve got a few ideas
This one has a spigot that fits into most of the holes in the parts. - Those holes are just crying out to have accessories fitted into them! Everything from armour to roller-skates come to mind.
Then there’s extras that fit on using the ball-and-socket joints. I was thinking I’d design a velociraptor claw first.
I tried a print yesterday… with no good result. What are your settings? It seems that the parts need to be printed with a single shell and with 100% infill. I printed @ 0.1mm layer height using colorfabb filament.
All of the parts are designed to be printed without support. I must admit that it can take some time to get just the right settings and I’m still perfecting mine. I’ve found that 3 perimeter shells and 20% infill is a good trade-off at 100uM, using Colorfab PLA/PHA. There is some variation between colours but this is usually in temperature. Do you have some pics of your results that we could see?
It seems I resolved my problems. The main problem was that Tinkerplay on Android throws 75% scaled STL. This will make more difficult to print the files.
See this screenshot:
Finally, I printed a simple robot scaled at 100%:
The parameters I used on a Replicator 2, Simpify3D 3.0.0 and with colorFabb PLA / PHA Olive green are:
Layer height: 0.1mm
Top solid layers: 7 (could be changed to less)
Bottom solid layers: 7 (could be changed to less)
Shells: 2
Infill: 20% - Rectilinear
Infill extrusion width: 120%
No support
Temperature: 205°C
First layer: off
Above first layer: 100%
Print speed: 3600mm/min
When I left my office this morning, the print was not finished. I will see this evening if the test is OK. It should be… I already printed two jointed parts which were good enough.