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Aug 2015

Hi Lembach3D,

Hmm I think I may get more warping of the part if I print without the enclosure (plus I like to keep the fumes away from me) but I’ll give it a go and let you know my results.



Hi Daniel,

What do you mean by upgrade the arms and default maker it assembly? I’m pretty sure the tips are screwed in all the way, I am running one default tip and one upgraded to compare them and they seem to be the same so far.



Hi Chris,

That’s a good idea, I was thinking of doing almost the exact same thing, nice video btw. I’ll let you know my results.



Hi Chanman,

Ok thanks for the advice, you don’t happen to have a picture of what you did do you? I don’t quite understand where the thermal tape is around the extruder.



I’ll post the results of my testing soon so hopefully we can solve a few more problems.



Thanks everyone for the responses, I am going to go through and look at everyone’s advice and then run a few experiments. Then I will post the results so that everyone can see what (hopefully) worked.



I had a similar issue on our reprap, the solution was to slightly increase the printing temperature or slow down your print speed to allow filament time to melt, aswell as increasing retraction length to 5 mm giving the hobbed bolt a little extra filament to work with reducing the amount of chew happening to a particular spot in the filament.

hope this helps!

Nathan @ Protoprynt

1 year later

Hey Andrew,

I seem to have the same problem .The extruder gear is eating off the filament coz of the continuous tiny movements. And it makes a notch and it is not able to extrude further , usually freezes off after 3 to 4 layers(usually the supports). Did changing the thermal sheet in the extruder work? Or reducing the temperature work? I tried to reduce the velocity of the print to 10mm/sec(from 90mm/sec) to reduce the viscosity. It did not quite work for me. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem ?

Hi Manush,

I found that my fans were installed the wrong way around, they were sucking rather than blowing onto the heatsinks, so I switched these around and also upped the temperature. Upping the temperature seemed to work. I still have the occasional failure but nowhere near as much. Also clean the extruder gear (where it is notching the filament), hopefully this works for you too.

