I have just bought a ctc dual extruder 3D printer , I’m having a nightmare trying to get it to print , as it runs one way it puts a thin layer of plastic down and as it runs back across it rips up bits of the first run , I’ve tried setting the platform up over 1000 times , having it higher and lower , I’ve done the paper technique as well , nothing really makes a digfference , all I can really say is that it looks like the nozzle is too low coz it just mashes everything up as it goes past , I have attached a picture sadly it is not the best , wen it primed it was stuck firmly to the platform but the messy effect you can see is how it looked as it was being printed , any help at all would be appreciated , thanks
You should try higher a temperature for the noozle and the bed, what Filament are you printing with? I had to clean the nozzle of my ctc to get good prints the PLA they deliver with the printer is really bad and Blocks your noozle easily but sometimes only partly. They test the noozle with this cheap Filament bevore shipping so there is always some Filament left in the Extruder.
Thankyou very much for your quick response , it is the pla I’m using that came with it , I thought it wouldn’t be top quality but thought I’d give it a go while I got it working , I’m trying it at the moment using the raft , I turned this off at first to save material and try get a better finish , it’s running perfect using the raft , but if I turn it off it starts making a mess again
I had the same issue. You need to cool the layers as they are printed. Get a household fan and blow it across the bed as you print. Turn the fan on before you heat up the nozzles, Set the layer height to 0.1 and temp to 190 for PLA. Almost every issue you have will be cooling the layers, except for when the filament breaks when you try and change it.
Perfect Thankyou I shall try that see if it works better , do you anything about brim , my brother said his ultimaker has a brim setting , use it instead of raft but can’t find this function anywhere , thanks again
Suggestion to get a glass and put it on the bed. It makes leveling a breeze. Increase nozzle temp and decrease bed temp a bit.
I use the makerbot software, there is a whole host of settings that I messed around with until I added the fan. Since then I put everything back to default but I don’t bother with the raft. Set the bed to a temp above room temp or it won’t print as it can’t cool the bed lower than the room temparture. I am using paper transfer tape (made by detape from mdpsupplies) on the bed and the PLA sicks.
If you look on my profile you can see the detail I am getting since adding the fan.
on what surface are you printing the kapton Tape that came with it or directly on the heating foil. You can’t print on the heating foil you need some Tape or you need to purchase a printing plate. I use this one http://www.3dprinterstore24.de/Dauerdruckplatten/Dauerdruckplatten-weiss-1mm/Dauerdruckplatte-weiss-1mm-230x150mm-fuer-z-B-Duplicator-SPEZIAL::132.html it is quite expensive but really great and a special plate for the duplicator clone
Yeah I’m just printing straight onto the gold foil , it works lovely if I use raft but if not it’s horrendous , I have just purchased some printing tape , i tried with pritt stick but had same results , unless I use the raft , it prints perfect with the raft , just a messy finish I would like to avoid , I’ll try using a fan to cool it and change the settings a bit and see how I get on , thanks everyone for your help
Change to a glass bed and use hair spray. It works great if properly leveled.
Well there’s your problem right there: PLA won’t stick to kapton tape well at all (that’s the “gold foil”). Put blue painters tape on top of it and you’ll be fine, I’m sure.