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Apr 2016

I have just bought a ctc dual extruder 3D printer , I’m having a nightmare trying to get it to print , as it runs one way it puts a thin layer of plastic down and as it runs back across it rips up bits of the first run , I’ve tried setting the platform up over 1000 times , having it higher and lower , I’ve done the paper technique as well , nothing really makes a digfference , all I can really say is that it looks like the nozzle is too low coz it just mashes everything up as it goes past , I have attached a picture sadly it is not the best , wen it primed it was stuck firmly to the platform but the messy effect you can see is how it looked as it was being printed , any help at all would be appreciated , thanks

Well there’s your problem right there: PLA won’t stick to kapton tape well at all (that’s the “gold foil”). Put blue painters tape on top of it and you’ll be fine, I’m sure.