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Jan 2016

Hey @Flabou2! In order to do this you can use the Object volume. It should correspond linearly with the weight. You can check the density of your material with your supplier. Currently our catalog of materials doesn’t contain accurate information on these densities. As soon as it does we can start to supply this information for you.


Hey @meagan_mason_75, what factors would you need to have taken into account? Currently you are already able to take the amount of volume and amount of prints (first print, subsequent prints) into account for pricing. I understand these are only rough indicators of printing time but nonetheless helpful. Any suggestions for this would be taken into account, cheers!

Hey! Time to print really differs from technology to technology. I do recognise that time to print and labour would be great components to base your price on. Will take this into account!

15 days later

so what happened to adding additional costs for more than %20 infill, and if support is needed as with most standard extruder type 3D printers? also I dont see my material costs per c3 anymore, what happened to that?

Jep, that’s a bug :s

Currently you can only put your printers offline. Fix will be deployed late this week or somewhere next. Sorry for that

1 month later

Does anyone else find judging the cost of the material buy the size of the 3d hubs guy really confusing? is it possible to make it an option of how to show the price. per cm/3 instead of this new system? which with all the options can get really hard to compare.



I’m also very confused by why pricimg is now done according to sliced volume rather than object volume. Its way less transparent this way which is a bit disappointing…

I think it was always Sliced volume?

My issue is how can anyone possible compare the prices of the different materials and layer heights and everything else when we have a bizarre system of Marvins. i have not paid much attention to the update till now as i have been busy.

22 days later

Way to bring back a dead thread… On a side not though, did you actually buy one of those? Last I talked to the owner he said the price tag was $15k