This update seems to have broken my hub! Totally unexpected, and without warning. Now when anybody places an order, the print resolution says “TBD,” and the price estimate is not calculated correctly. On top of that, I have been trying to reach out to support about the issue, but am being ignored (at least it feels that way). Could someone at 3D Hubs acknowledge this problem and address it ASAP???
Is it possible to provide hooks into the back-end slicing engine that 3D Hubs uses for estimating product sliced-volumes?
I imagine it would require a bit of work, but if you were able to do this, we could enter in our default slicing parameters on our printer pages and at least have the 3D Hubs estimate come closer to our own individual estimates.
It would also be nice to have an option for support material generation estimates, either by a checkbox or an automatic guess by the slicer.
In any event, we’ve lost an important functionality when we are no longer allowed to enter in our own sliced volume into orders.
Yes, we need to be able to manually enter values. Basically, all of my prints I end up manually reorienting and building support. So, an automated “support cost estimator.” Wouldn’t be super accurate either.
I agree with over 30+ order I am consistently getting volume underestimated on all of my orders to the point where I think 3Dhubs is doing it intentionally to make order go through and slip it by hubs. I have ALWAYS cross-checked it with several programs including Simplify3D and Netfabb and they’ve always underestimated the volume by maybe 20%. Its horrible in terms of business because customers get a price and then get disappointed when the new price comes through and understandably so. Why can’t we just get accurate volume measurements that we can adjust?
I agree with over 30+ order I am consistently getting volume underestimated on all of my orders to the point where I think 3Dhubs is doing it intentionally to make orders go through and slip it by hubs. I have ALWAYS cross-checked it with several programs including Simplify3D and Netfabb and they’ve always underestimated the volume by maybe 20%. Its horrible in terms of business because customers get a price and then get disappointed when the new price comes through and understandably so. Can’t we just get accurate volume measurements that we can adjust?
Jep, I can see your frustration. I’m taking this up with the dev guys and will report back shortly. It will take a bit to make adjustments. Please let me know if other issues arise