Hey guys! I am curious to see what type of carbon fiber reinforced PLA you all like to use. What is your favorite brand?
hi the brand i use is aurarum 3mm it prints very good thankyou rick
What application would you use carbon PLA?
I am about to test proto-pasta’s Carbon Fibre HTPLA. I hope is good.
For whatever piece you want to tell people that it has carbon fiber.
I think it’s initial rigidity is higher than most PLA filaments.
I don’t know for PLA, but I love my XT-CF20 from Colorfabb 
I have only used Proto-Pasta CF PLA and it is some nice stuff but you MUST run it with some kind of hardened nozzle or your going to be burning through brass nozzles like candy if your not careful. I have also used XTCF20 and it is nice but not everyone can hit the temps required + it needs a heated bed, CF PLA not so much. Recently ProtoPasta came out with some “high temp CFPLA” so you can make high temp parts after annealing with the strength of CF + it is less prone to warp when annealing.
hi i use aurarum carbon fibre i used over 2 kgs and still no problem with the nozzle if you think that is not true just re size your nozzle and change it in your print program rick
Lush print rick… looks fantastic!.. XT-CF20 gets my vote but it isn’t PLA though… its a polyester blend/copolymer.