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Jun 2016

Can you edit the firmware on the creator pro? I’m wondering because I fixed the printer up with an extruder upgrade. only now when my prints are finished the bed lowers too far. Its tries to lower itself even when it has hit the bottom of the printer. I need to change the distance it lowers when a print is finished.

  • created

    Jun '16
  • last reply

    Jun '16
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Is it touching the stop switch at the back when it’s at its highest?

The slicing software is sending the bed down by 150mm typically at the end of the job.

There may be a way to prevent movement beyond some soft limit in firmware but in this case you may just need to edit the ending code for the machine in the slicer.

In simplified 3D its under scripts when editing processes.

In makerware you edit the replicatorDual.json located C:\Program Files\MakerBot\MakerWare\s3g\profiles

Those are the programs I use, others should have similar options.

Have you tried printing a spacer and place it behind the bed, which will hit the limit switch for vertical movement? Hope this helps.

Sweet. thanks. If I edit it in one slicer will to transfer to the next? not a big deal but good to know if it does.

I have a spacer printed in the back to prevent the extruder from crashing into the bed. this is the problem though. The printer thinks the bed is in a higher position. Therefore when it lowers when the part is done, it crashes into the bottom.

In the ending code it says “send z axis to bottom of machine” and it runs these commands G1 Z150 F1000. Should I just take that whole bit out?

Not sure what you mean here, the slicer is the software used to convert .stl to tool paths (gcode). Once you configure and save the gcode scripts they will apply to every job you slice.

G1 = move, Z150 = move 150 mm <change this to something less than 150, F1000= speed in mm/min Once you find the new Z parameter you can also edit the machines build area to reflect the new values so your preview is accurate.

Awesome. Got it working perfect now. Thanks a bunch man.

Never mind. I was wondering if I changed that bit of script would it embed the settings into the firmware of the printer. Now that I think about it, obviously it does not.

Ok, then check your build dimensions on the slicer you are using. Seems like the one you set is a bigger build plate than what it should be. I use simplify3d to change hardware configurations, any slicer should have it.

I have another issue with the z movement. After editing the ending script the bed now lowers perfectly when a print is finished, however, when I cancel a print, the bed still lowers by 150mm. I couldn’t find anything about it in the scripts. Any Ideas?