Can you edit the firmware on the creator pro? I’m wondering because I fixed the printer up with an extruder upgrade. only now when my prints are finished the bed lowers too far. Its tries to lower itself even when it has hit the bottom of the printer. I need to change the distance it lowers when a print is finished.
The slicing software is sending the bed down by 150mm typically at the end of the job.
There may be a way to prevent movement beyond some soft limit in firmware but in this case you may just need to edit the ending code for the machine in the slicer.
In simplified 3D its under scripts when editing processes.
In makerware you edit the replicatorDual.json located C:\Program Files\MakerBot\MakerWare\s3g\profiles
Those are the programs I use, others should have similar options.
I have a spacer printed in the back to prevent the extruder from crashing into the bed. this is the problem though. The printer thinks the bed is in a higher position. Therefore when it lowers when the part is done, it crashes into the bottom.