That’s a good question I ment to add to the post. I’m not sure, what would you recommend? I need something strong enough that could hold a camera but a material that wouldn’t add to much weight.
What do you mean by “real” cad files? That looks like a pretty easy file to print on it’s side, but you will have to clean up the holes and they will probably not be dimensionally accurate the first time around.
For the drone we have a lot of people have made mimic versions and call them the real thing. Specially on thingiverse. I can’t find CAD files that are of the as-built parts. The model I made, above, should be very close to accurate, of course I will have to print it to see what’s off and by how much. I shouldn’t have to much trouble with the print, as you said I was going to print it on it’s side. The holes are right, there has to be a offset because they are mounted with a rubber grommet to eliminate most of the vibration, thats why the material has to be light but strong.