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21 / 22
Nov 2015

As long as it is stiff and not brittle it should work, if the drone crashed we would have a lot bigger problems than the camera mount lol. Thank you for your help! I’ll be picking up some Carbon Fiber from you guys.

As for supports, could I use normal PLA for the support material?

I don’t think Makerbot could handle the PC-ABS Alloy.

Makes sense :slight_smile:

You can use standard PLA for supports. Also carbon fiber supports are easy to remove!

Oh okay thank you for the support!

If you had make a rough guess how many Marvins do you think you could get out of the 125g sample? I don’t want to get a large spool and for some reason not be able to print with it.

A lot of Marvin’s! I think the little key chain only takes like 3g of plastic (depending on wall thickness and infill of course).

Loose coils are kind of a pain so if you can justify/afford it, I recommend spooled for the best experience!!!

I fully plan to buy a spool I just want to make sure I could test it and it work.

Would be cool to create a open-source file collection of Drone mounts together, so everyone can use each others designs :slight_smile:

10 days later