Needs a bit of finishing work before painting, we’ll post a finished pic when done. Exam season, so might be a little bit. No supports 100 microns ColorFabb Standard White
We printed at the original model size. That being said, it turned out really good, so I’m going to do another one at 125% or maybe even 175% when I order more filament.
Probably going to print it with glow in the dark filament
I’m hoping to have it painted this weekend, if I do, I’ll post another photo:)
I’ll take some pictures tomorrow morning before I start painting for you. I printed it really slow because I was worried about the teeth to be honest. Still needed finishing work, but it definitely was worth the extra time to print in my opinion.
I’ll take and upload the photos tomorrow, gotta hit the books for the rest of the night
We actually printed this at home. Unfortunately, the school has a really limited access policy to the printers, and we were not allowed access simply because we are civil engineering students… Politics…
We ended up biting the bullet and buying an Ultimaker 2 Extended. Once the upgrade kit came out we bought that, and now were off and running
I’m not going to be able to finish this for a few weeks, but here’s a sneak peak of what it looks like after the first coats. Once these bloody exams are out of the way I’m hoping to wrap it up in a couple days.