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Mar 2016

Can you share your printed T-Rex Skull to me? Today, we printed T-Rex without using support and you can see the printed pictures as below. But next time, we want to try print T-Rex by printing support whether it is better and better.

If you haven’t printed T-Rex yet, please download the file as below link: The T-Rex Skull by MakerBot - Thingiverse 107 Then share it and discuss with us, thanks for all guys:)

I think it was printed pretty well. Looking forward to theT-Rex by printing support.

I think it was printed pretty well. Looking forward to theT-Rex by printing support.

Yeah, maybe you can try to print it, then we can discuss it each other.

Looks awesome, and can you share more pics to me? Thanks in advance.

Hey Bibo,

Your print looks pretty nice. Definitely worthy of an upvote! I’m unsure why you dont seem pleased. I’ve decided to print the T-Rex skull with supports and have shrunk it down to about half the size it was on the file. This way I can get back to you sooner and show you how my print turned out. I really like the design. Hope this helps

Hey all,

I’ve printed the T-Rex skull and jaw, but at half the scale. This was done to ensure I could show a picture in a sooner time as the skull alone would have taken 13 hours. After printing it twice with supports I have decided to help those who wish to print this out themselves.

The Skull

The skull is probably harder than the jaw as there is no ideal way to print it. As I printed the skull half the size of the original the teeth became very delicate so it had to be handled with care. I would suggest if you use supports to set the density of the support to the lowest possible, meaning it is easier to remove. If you chose to print the skull upright then be careful as the teeth may be pulled of when the support is removed. If you chose to print the should upside down then the teeth have a better chance of staying in place, but the top of the skull will not have the smooth feel like the other did.

The Jaw

This was rather easy to print and very little support was required.

As you can see with the picture, it needs a bit of work to remove the string pieces, but it is hard to remove without snapping the teeth. I would advise, if anyone is interested, that it is printed at the size it is originally or bigger to prevent running into the same problems that I did.

We’re currently printing the the T-Rex now… Finished the lower jaw and it turned out amazing. Just printing the skull portion now, but we’re focusing on producing a high quality result with as little finishing work as possible, so our printing time is ridiculously slow.

We’ll share pics when it’s done. Good luck with yours!

Thanks for your messages. Sorry for letting you misunderstand it. I am pleased, so I want to try to print it under support and see the printing effect:) Waiting for your printed result. Have a good day.

We also printed the size at half without support. The teeth is not perfect that we have thought. You can check the picture as below. Yes, we printed more than 13 hours at the original size skull. Thanks so much for your sharing and suggestions. We will try to print it again with support:)