I recently purchased a Kossel Delta DLT-600 kit and after putting it together and trying to get the bed level, I am having a problem with the delta radius offset calibration. And when I home all the axis’s the y-axis carriage goes up faster than the others every now and then. I am using the printers LCD screen and knob to control it so far. I have checked all the wiring a couple of times now and have gone through the firmware three or four times now, looking for any mistakes in the code but have not found any. I am using an arduino mega2560 and a ramps v1.4. I also have an GT2560 Rev A board that i have had for a while now if I should use that pleas let me know. My name is Daniel Hudson and I live in the Pampa area if somebody would like to see it for them self, I would be glad to show you the problems first hand.
would be good if you could describe your main problem (in more detail “when I home all the axis’s the y-axis jumps up every now and then”). You mention that you have proble calibrating the delta radius offset. Actually, this parameter is not calibrated at all…
I dont want to write any longer stuff before it gets clear what your actual problem is, but in general when calibrating a delta (manual calibration, not to be confused with any autoleveling or autocal procedures). I strongly suggest you go the manual way especially if this is a fresh build.
1- you adjust (just roughly for now) your z_home_pos.
2- you calculate your coordinates for the 3 towers - points where you probe each tower. If you cant find how I can help after you clarify your problem as mentioned above.
3- you adjust your endstops using M666 endstop offsets so that you touch all three towers at exactly the same height
4- you probe your center and see if your bed is convex or concave or (unlikely ) exactly flat
5-you adjust your DELTA RADIUS until you get your centerpoint exactly the same height as your tower points
At this point you have a level bed. Now I strongly suggest you print a calibration cube (50x50x50mm for example) and based on the results, you adjust your DELTA DIAGONAL ROD length. Then you have to realign the bed as above, reprint the calibration cube… basically until you print with your desired precision.
It sounds complicated but its quite a straightforward job
happy to help, but let us know what you meant by the jumping y axis
have you checked the steppers’ voltage?
you can find some information on that, here: Calibration - RepRap
On the other hand, it would be useful, if you could record a small video, which shows your symptoms.
My best guess for now is, that your Y stepper driver is a bit underpowered, for the speed you try to make it move.
Maybe a good test could be, if you decrease the homing axis speed (in case of delta it should be the same for all the 3 axis ), and check if your symptoms are gone about the jumps.
What I mean by the y-axis jumping is that when I home all the axies the cartage on the y-axis goes up quite a bit (I have not measured how much yet I will do that after school). My home positions are at the max that is why it jumps going up.
I have the same printer, a dlt 600. My problem is that when I move the extruder horizontally on the x and y axis, it dips lower towards the bed when it gets farther away from the center? Any idea how to fix this? Also, I’m trying to get to the configuration.h file, but all I have is something called config-dlt2-180.ini. Is that the configuration.h file?
Yes the file that you have is the wrong one if you send me your email (here is mine: daniel.hudson@miamiisd.com) I can get you the the correct one. The solution to to you horizontal movement going down is your delta radius offset is wrong. Any more questions that you have I will be glad to answer them.
this is now killing is there any way to fix it with updated repeater host. the newer arduino software doesn’t even upload the firmware as it is not compatible.