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Sep 2015

Hello! I have a shape on a 123D design file that I would like to copy to another 123D design file that already has other shapes included. Is this possible to do? If yes, how?

Thank you.

  • created

    Sep '15
  • last reply

    Sep '17
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1 month later

No, currently you cannot copy and paste from one file to another. but you can certainly import a model in the already open document.

1 year later

aah blessed ! a much quicker solution ! thanks for sharing .

ive been clicking on the hide selection for all objects i didnt want to include, then once you save a copy with only the object you want visible, only that one will save and can be imported to other projects.


Hi, Tim. I hope it is not too late to say thank you. I have not been playing with 3D printing lately, but I might need to use your fantastic tip in the future. Very clever! Thanks, again.

I use 123d all the time. I keep it updated as well. Still no ability to simply copy and paste between documents. But since each document opened is another instance of the program running they wouldn’t share a common clipboard. Just guessing on that. Plus running multiple instances of the software really eats system resources.

I like leaving solutions whenever I can even if I sign up just to post once even on older posts. To many times I have been to boards where someone has said that they would post a solution and they never come back. Nothing like hours of Google searches to find answers to come up empty.

The export selection is staring us all in the face every time we click on an object and the toolbar pops up. Instructions aren’t as intuitive as they should be. But it is a nice program. Buggy but nice

Be sure to keep backup files by changing there names every time you make major changes and save. Especially when grouping items. Been almost burnt by grouping to many parts together. Program would crash when they got selected. After 12 or so consecutive crashes I joined 2 of the objects in the group which let me be able to select the pesky group and delete it. The file was OK after that but I was sweating bullets. It was a very elaborate and important file. Live and learn.

6 months later

Ignore the right click instruction. My bad.

When an object or multiple objects is selected a menu icon box appears below. Just click on the 4th icon from your right. It’s a rectangle with an arrow coming out of it. Hover your cursor over any icon will cause a function description to pop up.

Exports as a .123dx file if you want to still edit it when you import it into another .123dx document. Only export it to .stl if you are importing it to a 3d printing program.

As a tip name your part with “delete” or “temp” or anything similar in the file name so after importing it into another file you can find it easier. These import files can add up quick and you want to make sure that you can identify the file for easier deletion.

I know this post is a little old but found it when looking for the same answer. I made very complex models with different versions and modifications. Just wanted to update a few parts here and there and was amazed that you couldn’t copy and paste between documents. That blows my mind. Something so simple that we all take for granted and it’s not there. I had to delete every part except the one that I needed and then save it as another file and import it as a 3d model into the other document. Very time consuming considering 123d crashes when I use drag to select a lot of parts.

Getting to the good part. After poking around I found that you can export only selected parts by selecting “Export Selection” when the popup menu appeared. It is the fourth icon from your right. Then just use import 3d model and all is right with the world. Just thought I’d pass it along to help others. Not an obvious work a round but there you go. Enjoy! It sure makes my life easier especially when saving stuff for 3D printing.