Hello! I have a shape on a 123D design file that I would like to copy to another 123D design file that already has other shapes included. Is this possible to do? If yes, how?
I know this post is a little old but found it when looking for the same answer. I made very complex models with different versions and modifications. Just wanted to update a few parts here and there and was amazed that you couldn’t copy and paste between documents. That blows my mind. Something so simple that we all take for granted and it’s not there. I had to delete every part except the one that I needed and then save it as another file and import it as a 3d model into the other document. Very time consuming considering 123d crashes when I use drag to select a lot of parts.
Getting to the good part. After poking around I found that you can export only selected parts by selecting “Export Selection” when the popup menu appeared. It is the fourth icon from your right. Then just use import 3d model and all is right with the world. Just thought I’d pass it along to help others. Not an obvious work a round but there you go. Enjoy! It sure makes my life easier especially when saving stuff for 3D printing.