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Nov 2017

I have a duel extractor CT’c makerbot replica and have a control board problem. The com port no longer connects to the computer so can no long printer to it!!! so I have 2 questions and hope someone can help me?

1). where can I buy a control board, I’ve tried looking on Ebay and found boards for lots of other printers but not for the CT’c

2). There is a SD slot for printing from a memory card but it only seems to print from .x3g extensions and I use Autodeck 123D and that only produces .STL, .x3D or .gcode so does anyone know how I can produce or convert to .x3g I’ve tried changing the extensions to the correct one but the printer .just ignores them!!!

The last thing I want to do is buy a new printer as I’ve only had this one for 2 years


Dennis Gorringe

  • created

    Nov '17
  • last reply

    Nov '17
  • 6


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  • 4


The CTC uses a generic mightyboard variant, they copied the Makerbot Replicator 1. I have replaced these in dead CTC printers with the Geetech mightyboard, you can get them for around $50-60 on eBay and other sources and they are easy to find. The Geetech board needs a couple small modifications to make it work, there has been many articles posted on this online.

As for printing from the SD Card, which is how you should be printing anyway as printing from USB is unreliable since it relies on the computer the whole time during the print, you need to use a slicer. Save your file from 123D as an STL file, then open that STL file in a slicer. You can use the free Makerbot Desktop software, just set it to match your printer, if its a dual extruder select the Replicator 1 Dual etc. Slice and save the file to the SD card, this will give you the correct format. Makerbot Desktop is a bit lacking and not that great however, i recommend using Simplify3D, but its a $150 software package, well worth the investment and i have been using it for years among all my different printers.

What software were you using to print from USB?

Thanks for the info.

i use autodesk 123D and all the programmes that come with it! I use replicator to generate the Goode from the STL file that is created in 123D design

You have to use the Makerbot Desktop software or Matterhackers Slicer, these are the only ones that work with the CTC.


Haven’t been able to find a board that fits the look of my board, so have abandoned that idea for the moment and gone for the cheaper option of getting the printer to work from the SD card ! limited success on that front. I’m using GPX with GPXUi to add the command lines. My new problem is although it produces the .x3g file required, the printer doesn’t respond properly or the file doesn’t come across properly! or I’m not using it properly! The head and build plate go to the correct start position and the extruder and build plate heat up to the correct temperature, once the correct temps have been reached the build plate and the head moves to the build start position and that is where it stays. no extrusions, no x or y movement I know its nothing to do with the stepper motors as they work correctly on other functions of the printer > Anyone got any ideas as to where I’m going wrong
