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Sep 2016


If I want a very accurate diameter circle, what settings in the slicer should I be changing. I keep on getting small bumps in the circle that mess with the diameter.


  • created

    Sep '16
  • last reply

    Nov '17
  • 13


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I should mention that the bumps are not too bad; I just need a very accurate circle. So I think everything is operating as it should. I just am not sure what would be the best settings in the slicer to try in order to improve.



I’m thinking that maybe the STL file and original drawing may be creating your small bumps in the circle.

What software are you using to make up your original drawings?

If you are picking files from Thingiverse, usually I find they need some help to clean them up.


Hello gg,

I appreciate the reply. I am using sketchup. Basically I just make 2d circles in a rectangle and then push/pull the surface up to create a 3d surface, very basic. The only thing that can think of is to change the settings in the slicer.



Hi again

I also use Sketchup and I think I’m understanding your problem.

You really cannot fix incorrect stl files in a slicer.

You can only fix problems like holes in the stl file.

Your source file from Sketchup, I believe is your problem.

Sketchup does not make true circles.

Sketchup makes polygons that have the circle transcribed about the outside of the polygon.

You can change the polygon count of circles in Sketchup.

I’m not sure if this works in all versions of Sketchup, but it does work in SketchupPro 2014 thru 2016

When you select the circle tool, take a look at the lower right hand side of your screen.

There, It will say how many facets the circle will be built from.

The default is 24 facets.

You can change that.

If I need a circle that looks round when the diameters are greater than about 2 inches, I usually us a 60 facet count, Sometimes 80.

That definitely improves the 3D printed output.

When I export a model I’ve designed in Sketchup to STL, I always reload the STL back into Sketchup and check it with

Solid Inspector plug in to be sure there are no reversed faces or holes in the STL.

I hope this helps you in some manner


I appreciate the replies everyone,

I am using a fusion f400. Slicer is simplify3d. Yeah, I have tried going all the way up to 144 sides to have a smooth curves surface. Maybe I am overdoing it though. I am thinking that the slicer has the settings. I did decrease the mill thickness in the slicer and that did help some. There are so many settings in the slicer; I feel like I am in a maze.



13 days later
1 year later

I was going to update this forum with the solution to this problem but forgot to. Apparently the circle that I had had too many sides to it that caused problems. So if you have a problem like this just reduce the amount of sides. I had 144 sides; but for a small hole like that 12 sides works good.

Also, I purchased a fusion f400 printer and they were the ones that helped me out on this one. So yeah, they do have good customer service over there.