Hi again
I realize you are attempting to resolve an issue you are having.
Is your goal to have a circular part that is visually perfect?
Is your goal to have a circular part fit into something well?
I’ve used several 3D Hubs people and I now have a TAZ printer.
My fit issue is always the same.
I think that the stl is the path that the toolhead takes.
The extruder width is divided between outside and inside of the noodle of plastic made by the extruder.
My parts always come out slightly larger than my drawing
My bores always come out slightly smaller than my drawing.
I leave the outside dimensions however they are.
I always make my bore dimensions larger by about 0.020 to 0.025" larger than
what I want.
When I look at the drawings, things look like they have too much clearance.
When printed, the parts fit good.
Very tight fit is 0.020" oversize
Slip fit I usually make to 0.025 oversize.
Just trying to be helpful