Please continue reading, I am asking for your collaboration within a project we are running
Currently we are starting up a research project within the minor Biopolymers at Avans University of Applied Sciences. As we all know, PLA is a biopolymer and probably you frequently (proudly) tell your customers it is an ecofriendly case. The current minorteam that is teaming up with our FabLab is testing how the quality of the PLA is influenced by the process of shredding, melting and extruding new filament.
We would like to ask if you would be willing to send us your Fairphone misprints, so we can make new filament (and new phonecases) out of it.
We won’t use the filabot, since they only have a very big extruder at the University… I guess they even have never heard of the Filabot The aim of the project is to have a more scientific research: how does recycling influence the length of the polymerchains, what is the impact on strength and flexibility, and last how does it influence the printability.
I like this idea because i mainly dump my failed prints or supports/brim etc… in the garbage, how do you plan to make this a win-win for you and for the people who send you failed prints?
Suggestions for the win-win? I don’t know when you will consider it as a win… Interested in some ‘new’ filament? Some patato based filament? Interested in the results? Good PR since you can tell people you are part of an interesting research?
Well it’s just that sending failed prints will cost money, i like the concept but i don’t know how much plastic junk i have to keep before sending it and having some filament in return. And what about the colors? i guess you’ll have to recycle the same color for a new filament?
No i understand it’s a bit far… I will keep all my junk plastics somewhere instead of throwing it away. Once i get a good quantity i will send it too you