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Sep 2014

I got only some misprints. Most of my misprints are not so good qualitity and have some optical damages.

Why don’t sell those minimal damaged cases? Or give them away for nothing?

Suggestions for the win-win? I don’t know when you will consider it as a win… Interested in some ‘new’ filament? Some patato based filament? Interested in the results? Good PR since you can tell people you are part of an interesting research?

Well it’s just that sending failed prints will cost money, i like the concept but i don’t know how much plastic junk i have to keep before sending it and having some filament in return. And what about the colors? i guess you’ll have to recycle the same color for a new filament?

I’m in Belgium at mid distance between Liège (Luik) and Bastogne

No i understand it’s a bit far… I will keep all my junk plastics somewhere instead of throwing it away. Once i get a good quantity i will send it too you