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Jun 2015

One of the latest projects here at the 3D Hubs office is an Interactive LED Beerpong table . It’s a sort of a maker-edition of the Beer-pong table with cool 3D printed accessories (soon to come).

We first noticed it as an entry in our Instructables contest here 9and it was amazing so we wanted to build it ourselves! We followed the instructions and contacted Jeff, the one who came up with the concept in the first place, to get some info and equipment and start building. We’re still in the process so this is only the part 1 - building the base!

This is how it’s going to go down:

  • First, we’ll build the structure: the wooden table
  • Then we’ll have to wire the whole electronics kit
  • And finally we’ll personalize programming for LED animation and 3D print accessories and some structures to finalize the table

We’ve just finished with the first part now: We bought 2x plywood boards of 244 cm x 122 cm, cut them and screwed them together for the frame (the table size : 244cm x 61cm):

The next step is to mill holes with the CNC machine for the LED’s (there’s going to be exactly 300 of those). It took us about 2 hours and we did this at iFabrica here in Amsterdam.

This is how it looks after the milling - you can also see the plexiglas sheet that we’re gonna put on the top of the whole table to make it waterproof and also help diffuse the light to make it look even more badass!

We put some tape in-between the two parts for the damping

And finally the painting - we just went for a classic black paint to increase the effect of the LED’s and colors.

Now we’re waiting for the fully assembled electronic kit that Jeff sent us all the way from Canada to arrive today so I can get started on all the wiring/soldering! Let’s get cracking!

I’ll update you soon on the next steps :slight_smile:

  • created

    Jun '15
  • last reply

    Jun '15
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