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21 / 27
Nov 2014

Launching a Fairphone branded case with your parameters (exactly the same) and I will come back to you in 3.5h! :wink:

Here is the result with these parameters… For the Technology case, the result is good… not perfect. I have quite a lot of strings and there are some tiny holes on the front side.

Then, I tried with the Fairphone branded case… As you may perhaps see (sorry for the quality), directly on the right of the Fairphone text, on the front side, you will notice many holes.

I am currently trying the corkscrew method (see below in this post).

@GloomySparker reduce your print temp to as low as you dare to get rid of the stringing and help the bridging.

The slower speed should help with this - but it is a fine line as you need to get good layer bonds and yet good bridging.

I always had to do a small amount of hand finishing with a scalpel and wet/dry sandpaper, but you want to keep it to a minimum!