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21 / 27
Nov 2014

Thanks @Philipbee and @Joerg

I printed a Technology Case with same parameters (infill 10%)… same problem.

In fact, I successfully used those parameters for quite long. Those params are those that 3DHubs is giving in the PDF. It took 4 hours to do the print…

I’ll try a technology case with the params you mentionned


I´m afraid I will not be very helpful either, I use an Ultimaker and Cura, but I can tell you I print hollow with one shell using “spiralize” option (I don´t know if you have a similar one) at 0,15 mm and 25 mm/sec, while my usual speed is three times that.

Good luck!

Nozzle dia: 0.4mm (which is the real diameter)

Extrusion multiplier: 0.9

Extrusion width: 0.4mm

I printed about 10% of my print and it seems that you resolved the mentionned problem AND another one I was dealing with for a long time now.

My problem was to deal with retraction filaments. The back of the cases were messy at the end of the print. I had to do too much finishing (cutter and THF). For the moment, the filaments are only between the two end sides of the cover. It will be very easy to remove them using a cutter.

On the photo, you can see the current print.

I will come back with the final result for this print.


7 months later

Hey there Fairphone guys,

Franky (@jianghan_mao) just installed the new software for Makerbot and is wondering how to best print Fairphone cases with it. Have any of you already printed Fairphone cases with the new software? Any tips?

Best, Luuk