I initially thought that this was a suction design reusing the 2 main fans and pulling in air to the top (left schematic). Now, that would have been a cool design. But as seen on the right it actually needs 2 additional fans giving us a total of 4 on the FFCP which seems a bit cumbersome. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
A front fan duct for a rectangular not the round turbo fan. I presume your Flashforge didn’t come with the turbo, didn’t it? Seems like a waste not to use a duct design that utilizes the turbo fan if you have one installed already. The rear and font design will probably produces better airflow than the factory sideways duct.
I’ve a 2 years old FFCX and it did not come with any cooling fan system. So I googled and made up one from scratch following tutos and advices. This was a great improvement !!!
In your case, you could very certainly change the radial fan for an axial one and use the design I’ve pointed out.
Good luck in your quest
And let us know what you end up with. (Who knows I might buy a new FFCP in a near future)
Printed this backside fan and have been using it for a few prints now. Tricky to print because the thin air tunnel needs internal support that is difficult to remove. Very easy to mount. Loosen the bottom screws, slide it in, click in the fan, and finished. No additional screw needed. I have also not experienced any collisions.
Well done. My favorite design off all the ones that I found an listed here.