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Jan 2017

When trying to print with this printer the filament stops before the raft is complete.

I setup the machine properly (auto level, nozzle height, etc) Preheat the table to 88 C. Test the extrusion of filament. And then start the print.

The machine prints the test line and then starts on the the raft. As it completes the raft (about a 3"x4" raft) the drive motor for the filament starts to make a clicking sound and the filament flow slows. After about less than a minute, the filament stops. The nozzle and table both say 98% to 100% heated during this time.

So far I have replaced: the nozzle (twice), the heater, the perf-board, the filament (once with a partially used spool and a new spool, both ABS).

Any ideas?

  • created

    Feb '17
  • last reply

    Feb '17
  • 6


  • 3.2k


  • 3


I previously had an H480 which should be similar. It worked really well but it was really picky about the diameter of the filament.

I used the manufactures filament exclusively but I had a few spools that exhibited the same symptoms.

You did not mention a filament jam or failure to extrude after your failed raft but I suspect that is what is happening.

The clicking sound is usually the feed motor binding and stripping a spot in the filament. If you see this after you remove the filament from the head, and it has happened a couple of times you may need to disassemble and clean the filament drive gear. Where it makes contact with the filament the teeth can get filled with ground filament and then it is much more likely to fail the next time you print.

If if I was guessing at the cause and it is not a bad spool of filament. I would say there is a problem with the bed level sensor.

If the bed is too close to the nozzle it puts more pressure on the extruded plastic. This extra pressure can cause the symptoms you describe.

You may be able to do a manual bed level and that may solve your problem.

Good luck.

yes this has happenned to me many times

i repplace the nozzle and run extrude without any nozzle on the feeder. (it wirks)

make sure there is no snag in the fillament …

what else can you do??

i eventually get it to work


I always manually level and the bed and set the print distance

Thanks for the replies.

Here are some some of my results for my print attempts.

I have both auto and manually leveled the table. Same result.

I have replaced the nozzle and extruded filament. Sometimes it flows nicely, other times it will start clicking. With the nozzle off, the filiament flows out. With the nozzle on, sometimes it works fine, other times it will start to click.

I have replaced the filament with a new spool and with a partially used spool during a print. The new spool started to jam before the 1st layer of the raft was complete. I paused the print and changed to a partial spool. Once the 2nd layer was complete it also jammed.

I am starting to think there is a problem with the circuitry that doesn’t keep the heater hot enough during a print.

if its starting to click it tells me your extruder head assembly is probably off Kilter

What I mean is check that all the compoonents of the extruder are assemble correctly. the clicking tells me the filament is not being fed by the little gear in there. perhaps things are not alligned. I was disaseble everything on the extruder head and reassemble it paying very close attention the everything is ligned up correctly and not out of alignment.

also checkc thelittle gear teeth . that need s to be cleaned … remove all plastic shards from that gear. if the gear was stripped. (dont think its possible ) that would also cause this, but that unlikely.
