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Apr 2017

I am running a Dremel 3d20 with about 600 hours. This is my first printer, and I had some early sucesses but lately, it jams after about an hour of printing.

I have had the most luck with settings, slowing everything way down, but I don’t know what else to try.

It’s properly leveled, not dragging, and I preheat before the print. Could something be wrong with the extruded nozzle?

Are you using hatchbox or dremel pla? Sounds like the pla is cooling in the extruder.

I am using the official dremel pla, as it’s available at a store nearby- I have concerns about how old it is, though. Small town, nobody I know is using it. Is the hatchbox a good alternative?

also, I slice using print studio, and I see temperature controls in there- could I safely run a few degrees hotter?

220 or 225 C max. My printer has half the hours yours does. My only problem is the sliding. If you have the time maybe replace the extruder. Hatchbox is really good. Other brands are risky.

Try open the two screw at heatsink there and look inside extruded part maybe something blocking there. See picture. The second one maybe be ptfe tube meltdown in the nozzle. Just open the nozzle and check it out. Maybe it time to change new nozzle. Good Luck.

I am in control of the ac in my classroom, so I can turn it off.

turns out, print studio has the temperature controls locked out, so I can’t tweak that. But if it’s cooling too fast in the nozzle, maybe I am also doing this backwards— in stead of slowing down all the speeds, maybe I should speed up and get it out before it cools?

Not sure about print studio. My one work at 3000mm/m at 220. I using simplify 3D.

Filament should not cool in nozzle unless something wrong.