Hi all! Hope everyone is having a good summer. I’m curious, for those of you who have or have used 3D scanners, what is your favorite? What have you had experiences with and what are you interesting in using?
Ive used Agisoft Photoscan with a high end DSLR. For still objects great results can be achieved. Ive played with the MS Kinect as well, and its fun for hobbyists to try it out but the results are mediocre. The best setup ive used are the Artec structured light scanners (eva and spider) but I have gripes about those in that it takes a lot of time to process the scans after initial scanning. The scans are very high quality once you have done all of that. The scanners themselves have a hefty price tag and you’ll need a beefy computer to run both Photoscan and the Artec software. Hope that helps!