Hi guys,
After a nice teaser a while back, about our x0mb1e drone project from @CobraGad, I think it’s more than time to give you an update.
So here I am again, this time with all the parts printed and ready to assemble!

Here they are, in our lab with the Leapfrog, BeeTheFirst and Zmorph (from @ZMorph3D), waiting to be assembled!
Took me quite a long time to get all these printed, because I was working on other projects and experimenting with Carbon Fiber Filament. However if you have a well calibrated printer, with the right settings dialed in and a decent build volume, I guess you can print all of the 24 parts in 2 or 3 batches.
All the parts were printed with XT-CF20 filament from @ColorFabb on our Leapfrog Creatr HS:
- Speed : 50mm/s (no so HS in fact)
- Flow : 105%
- Temp : 250°C
- Layer height : 0.1mm
- Infill : 50% for most of the part, 100% for the thinner one (Legs)
- Cooling : 20% (any higher value gives an horrible mess for me…)
All printed without support, I have to say that the design is really optimized for 3D printing ! Awesome job @CobraGad !
For those who printed with this filament already, feel free to share yours for comparison!
I find XT-CF20 to be a really nice material once you get the right settings for your printer. It’s really stiff and remains quite light !
Talking about weight, here is the total of all the 3D printed parts (W/O electronics) in grams :
For comparison, we received the battery the other day. Seriously we thought it was a mistake in the order. We double checked aaand… it’s not.
This drone is gonna be a freaking war machine !

So basically the weight of the whole structure is not even the weight of this monstrous battery…
We are still waiting to receive the propellers. They’re due in about 1 week.
Next, we’re gonna talk about electronics & miscellaneous parts, then the assembly and the first flight, of course!!
Stay tuned 

Anybody else 3D printing a drone out there? Let me know in the comments below!