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Sep '16 - Hi, As its an AC power (alternating current) its doesn't matter the polarity, so just connect it as shown in the picture. One suggestion, replace the p...
Sep '16 - Hi, If it was working fine in the past, check you wire and connector to the heater cartridge, just set the printhead to 240c and check the cables and c...
Oct '16 - Hi, Please cancel this relay board order! I would not recommend to use a normal mechanical relay for a DC heabed as it will make a lot of switching wit...
Feb '17 - If you don't need the extra functionalities like dual extruder and WIFI connectivity you can still buy an U2. Or consider a wanhao duplicator 6 it has...
Jul '16 - Szia Adám! Had the same issue with a rostock and the problem was that one arm was longer. But first check the bed with a aluminum ruler and a lamp ( pu...
Aug '16 - Hi, Can you please share your Cura start and end g-code there must be the problem. Its sounds strange that the head falls down after the motors are pow...
Feb '16 - Totally Agree. Don't bother with normal mk2 beds in such a size. The best option is to use Solid state Relay and Silicon heaters. You will need DC to A...
Jul '16 - Hi, Extruder motor only works if the printhead is above 175C (usually this is safety temp. defined in the firmware) Connect to the printer with pronter...
Jun '16 - Hi, Just do it! slight_smile If you build it nicely it will print perfect. The big advantage can be that the motors can be outside of the print chamb...
Feb '16 - The delta is quite complicated system, and your errors are related to wrong dimensional data of the arm length. If you will be able to get a quite corr...
Dec '16 - Hi, It's after Christmas but its don't matter, drop me an email to tpalagyi82 (at) http://gmail.com gmail.com and I we will use skype and solve all you...
Jan '17 - Yes, don't use lead screws for a 3D printer, just for the slow moving axis (like the Z axis), lead screws are not able handle to fast motion and direct...
Feb '17 - Hi, Did you tested the endstop switches with pronterface or repetier host sending M119 command? Where is switch for the Z axis end stop top or bottom?...
Jan '17 - Sorry, cant really understand your question…You have a motor with a pre-made cable like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nema17-Stepper-Motor-100oz-in-1-5...
Jan '17 - I would vote for the Zortrax M200, its a good work horse with still really great quality, Its closed source printer but the complete service you buy fr...
Dec '16 - Hi, Formbot has much better parts like ball screws on the Z axis, and linear rails in the Y axis. The X axis still uses derlin wheels, witch I don't li...
Jul '16 - Usually: Red is heater cartridge doesn't matter witch is witch (+ -) White is thermistor (heat sensor in head) also doesn't matter polarity. So connect...
Jan '17 - As your problem is solved already with the delta radius(my idea was the EEPROM stores the values and needs to erased to get new values work) I still ad...
Oct '16 - Hi, Did you managed to get this board working? i think the problem is with the USB communication chip. On a normal Arduino mega 2560 its a atmel 16u2,...
Dec '16 - Sorry to hear your story…but its quite typical with these kits. You should made your post to here much earlier, it would save you from a lot of headach...
Dec '16 - I would suggest this printer for 3.5K: https://www.raise3d.com/collections/3d-printer/products/raise3d-n2-plus-pre-order-fdm-3d-printer Much stable pri...
Dec '16 - Hi, 3D printers can work for days. The problems witch can occur: - Steppers motor or its drivers get too hot and will lose steps= lower the motor curre...
Dec '16 - Yes, stepper motors can act as generators, so if you move them by hand they will generate voltage, and power up the electronics. If you move to motors...
Dec '16 - Welcome! You made a bold decision! You will spend a lot a time with that machine until it will print in a good quality. Don't get frustrated its not th...
Nov '16 - Hi, Can we get some better pictures, sorry but cant really see the edge. Did you tried to print a normal cube to see how the edges are look like for th...
Dec '16 - Replace the USB cable first with a shorter one. And just try to upload a simple sketch from the file-examples menu. Usually the bootloader is failing w...
Dec '16 - Please only put a ball screw in the middle back if you can make a strong base for it. Forget linear rods, they are too week for such a force. The small...
Feb '16 - Hi, As I have started my 3D printer experience with a Rostock Delta, then built a Kossel mini. I can tell you these printers are great looking fast mac...
Oct '16 - Hi, You have done the basic calibration right. If there is a difference between the towers and the middle of the plate, you have to adjsut the delta ra...
Oct '16 - Ideas: 1 your extruder gear is not gripping the filament properly, clean the gear and make sure the bearing has higher pressure on the filament 2 the f...
Oct '16 - Hi, The motherboard is a Ramps 1.4, look for a replacement. After the connector was replaced on the current one it can be a spare one in the future. Th...
Oct '16 - Hi Andy, Its not a perfect kit, but if you can/willing to make it a better printer and you have the time to troubleshoot and tweak it, go ahead and ord...
Oct '16 - It will depend on the material you use, how it can handle bridging, with PLA it will work for sure if you don't try to print it fast. If your slicer su...
Oct '16 - Hi, If its a He3D printer it electronics should be "default" Arduino mega + Ramps 1.4 board. Do you have an LCD for it? Here is a Firmware for it, but...
Sep '16 - Hi, As a proud owner of a Rostock and Kossel Delta, feel free to ask. Yes calibration can be quite tricky. Did you managed to get the effector move fla...
Jul '16 - Hi, Check if your eeprom is switched on as the setting maybe stored there. https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/wiki/EEPROM If its on in the firmwa...
Jul '16 - Great Answer! And totally agree with all the written facts about inertia and inductance. My kossel mini have 0.9 degree 0.8A Vexta steppers, they are r...
Jul '16 - I would flip the knob, so than only the middle hole will need support the bottom of the knob will lay on the bed = nice finish. If you are really a per...
Jul '16 - Hi, Do you really need such a big delta printer? Do you have any idea how the delta kinematics work? (ARM length vs print size etc.) I will write my co...
Jul '16 - Power off the printer and move the x carriage slowly, do you feel any change in the required force to move the carriage along its travel? Maybe a beari...
Jul '16 - I made some tests 2.5 years ago for a company with ABS and PLA to a sample PP sheet and worked great. You had to really flex the sheet to remove the le...
May '16 - Hi, Closed print chamber is a must to print with ABS otherwise warping and cracking will occur in the prints. My recommendation is buy a Zortrax M200 w...
May '16 - Hi, My assumption is that you have a thermal runaway for the hotend. Did you modified the thermistor type in the firmware after the hotend replacement...
Jun '16 - Hi, Go for a Craftbot slight_smile I am Hungarian so supporting a hungarian comapany and even ordered one when their campaign was launched on Kicksta...
Jun '16 - Hi, Would suggest to lower the nozzle temperature for 50 microns, as the filament spends more time in the melting chamber in the print head it don't ne...
May '16 - Hi, Your calculation seems correct. Here is an online calculator just for reference: http://prusaprinters.org/calculator/#stepspermmlead In the EEPROM...
Mar '16 - Hi, I would suggest the Wanhao i3 v2 its a really good printer with sturdy steel frame and prints fine just out of the box. I helped out several guys t...
Mar '16 - Hi Amanullah, To make it clear you have a CNC machine, witch you want use for milling and DUAL head extruder 3D printing. The first problem is your mot...
Feb '16 - Hi, You can print them with this print head not a problem. Just keep in mind that the bronze and copper mixed into the PLA, may damage the nozzle and/o...
Feb '16 - Definitely looks like a filament issue, its way to off and not even round, 1.95mm will not be possible to pushed into the head so the extruder will gri...