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6 results for@higonnet #3d-printers
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Dec '17
One possibility is that the filament won't advance because it is wrapped around itself on the spool and thus stuck. In my experience this is a accompan...
Dec '17
There is no requirement that both extruders be loaded for it to work. I have often run it with only the right (default as I remember) extruder loaded…...
Oct '17
Not sure this will be very helpful… I have had one for 1 1/2 years and am actually fairly pleased with it. I have however not been able to use the dual...
Dec '16
I speak only for myself, but the trouble I had with my qidi double extruder were, in hindsight, due to my inexperience and/or impatience. After about 6...
Sep '16
Are you sure your file was saved where you think it was? (also just a thought…)
Sep '16
These are spares I believe. I don't mind answering this since I could, but Qidi will answer (in Chinglish) questions like this pretty quickly…