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13 results for@CaptainCanardly #3d-printers
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Jan '16
I will concur with the gang on the TAZ 5- I'm quite upset of my experience with makerblot, and your doing great doing the research as I didn't do! :smi...
Nov '17
Try a STL file, it seems to be the "new normal" of course, no support from makerbot will also be normal.
Sep '17
that would be a mm/inch conversion going "backwards" set scaling to mm, and that will deal with it. a lot of files haven't been properly checked in the...
Aug '17
usually, if there is a ( file) open, close than one out, then go file= new= then it will be there, restart services to access proper printer size. this...
Aug '17
Thanks for these "updates" 360 alaska! I hadn't seen the dual extruder 'fix' before- other than written form. Obviously, according to the change dates/...
May '17
This is a normal pattern for a dual print: one of the "newer" items I've noticed is the nozzles are not equally aligned ( from Makerbot) it only takes...
Mar '16
Sounds to me that you need to install Sailfish to get everything 'lined up' correctly
Feb '15
As I was getting started with my 2X, I found ( @45 seconds of this video) the rods were not fully engaged into the bodies.during this process, I also '...
Apr '15
I just got done last night with some of the infos here: Makerbot firmware needed: Not Sailfish is the big story of the month I'm on a Mac Mini. https:/...
Feb '15
As I'm hunting down infos for my dual extruder being off ( pic) I found this- proper way to reassemble!
Feb '15
Hi Gang! Just found this story! After many fun builds, I'm narrowing my builds to functional needs! (Model aircraft builds/and fixturing of all types)...
Feb '15
Yo Gang! I have one that for the first run ( with 10% infill took overnight to run- i just went to bed! Here's a soild, which took about an hour to run...
Feb '15
During our construction of the 3D essentials video, we used Skype to transfer the files. as per time of day, the rates would change a bit, but average...