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Mission Statement Mastering evolving technologies as part of the additive manufacturing revolution, we aim to create a sustainable business environment to generate revenues for the company while empowering the “Make In India” campaign as part of the process. Vision Statement One stop shop from designing and product development to mass manufacturing your creativity. About Us We are a rapid product design development solutions provider bringing digital manufacturing to the design and creative scene in Vadodara city of Gujarat, India. As a 3D printing solutions provider, we strive to provide our valued clients with excellent product design and development services in the realm of the additive manufacturing. We also offer a variety of engineering thermoplastics to choose from, along with other services that are well suited for different industrial applications. Shaurin Patel, believes in the revolutionary technology of additive manufacturing shrinking the bridge between design and manufacturing. He is a mechanical engineer from Purdue University – USA with having international business background from Singapore. Shailendra Patel, is mechanical engineer acquiring skill from University of Bradford – UK. He is passionated by technology and the future of rapid prototyping with specific knowledge and know how , he is always on the lookout for anything innovative in 3D printing industry while to promote it.

Mar 13, '15
Mar 13, '15
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