Hi there. Maybe we can help. Check out our portfolio and capabilities at www.3dbits.co.uk Cheers Mihai.
used a Dremel with a flexible shaft attachment and a small hobby hacksaw for metal cutting (like this one http://www.cabaret.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/03-Cutting-brass-tubing.jpg) Did the cutting under cold water stream to ensure material doesn’t melt. Another material I would maybe recomme…
Bare in mind that you will have to keep material could during cutting (especially PLA), as it will begin to melt and deform due to friction heat while cutting. PLA should be OK if above is followed (i.e. cut under a cold stream of water). Did quite a few prints for medical use, check my hub for som…
Hey there, have printed statuettes in the past so give me a ping on my hub and I’ll be happy to help. Re woman torso, maybe one of these ? Search Thingiverse - Thingiverse
Have you checked your delta geometry ? here is a quick list of things to double check: - Are effector rod sets completely parallel ? (your carriage and effector distances should be bang on) - Are effector rods exactly same lengths ? This is pretty critical - If above is right, check your firmware…
hey Alan, Hello from Aberdeen
Welcome to 3dHubs
Hi Paul, I’d try going 110 on the headed bed temp. Also some hairspray or abs juce would get things properly stuck to the plate. Re, Mihai.
Hey Erik, 260-270 is a bit too hot for ABS in my opinion. Try printing at around 230-240 deg. Looking at your layer finish you might be under/over extruding (under extruding tends to leave gaps in the model). What’s your infill percentage ? Have you calibrated your extruder ? With regards to warp…
Hey buddy. Only way i could get round warping was to warm up and completely enclose printer. Using Simplify as well with a 1st layer height of 57% to ensure a solid stick. Alternatuve is to put tabs on your models to ensure edges dont lift during the print. Hope this helps.
hey buddy, try a different slicer like Cura. Also helps to try some hairspray on your printer bed for extra adhesion.