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  • Dina, yes, it’s the nozzle size. The smaller hole makes it hard for the filament to push through. The only solution is to increase the temp and slow the print movement down.

  • Dina, when this has occurred for me, it’s a temperature issue. increase the hot end temperature. Tell the print software to extrude. Monitor the flow. You want to make sure the flow move freely. You can also turn the main extrusion gear and feel the resistance. It shouldn’t push back or feel spring…

  • I wouldn’t for ABS because it will pop loose from the bed, maybe lower the temp of the bed after a few layers. If its not kept warm it will shrink and pull away from the bed. I still think its too much infill which is causing a cooling issue in that area.

  • I didn’t really answer your question. No, not for the issue your seeing. I know it looks like it might be the filament hanging up or slipping. It actually looks like theres a vibration issue, but its not. And if it was, there is a setting for adjusting jitter in the interface of the Taz, but pretty …

  • Well thats a bigger discussion. With so many different brands of filament requiring different temperatures, the flow rate, friction in the tube all are affected. Unfortunately, its an experimental journey. Once you have a good setting for a brand of filament save it and keep using that brand. You’ll…

  • Here is the link to Symplify3D’s quality guide that helped me a lot. Print Quality Guide | Simplify3D Software It doesn’t have your current problem spelled out per say, but helps define what affects each parameter has on the print.

  • Cura handles the fan differently then Simplify3D. Yes, leave the fan alone in Cura. The infill has a lot to do with it. It certainly affects the way the part cools as its printing. I had forgot about asking you what the infill setting was. Reduce it by 10% or more and try another print. Your part wi…

  • I’ve seen this before on my Taz 5, but only using Symplify3D software. Symplify3D has many available parameters to control and can be overwhelming until you get to where you understand it better. It is a cooling issue during those layers. Make sure the fans are not running and adjust your outer peri…

  • I’m interested, I have one and would like to have another. Where are you located and do you have the original box and padding for shipping?

  • Hey there, If your model can support it, I put a .5mm or bigger parameter chamfer around the edges that contact the build plate. This lets the melted plastic spread, but under the outline of the model. It doesn’t have to be .5, just adjust what works then trim the excess spread. Also, look at FLEX…

  • I’ve never experienced an expansion issue with HIPS. Typically, HIPS contracts as it cools causing warping. Unfortunately, there is no exact percentage that you could use as the shape, infill, and surface adherence to the bed affect the final cooled shape. A couple of suggestions, adjust the infill,…

  • Hey Marco, one of my printers has a build area 11.4in x 10.8in x 9.8in. I live on the southwest side of Fort Worth and would be glad to help. Thank you, Jim

  • Hey Marco, I would be glad to take a look at it. I have a Lulzbot Taz 5 with dual heads to print 2 colors at once or use one head for support material that can dissolve in water to help with special shaped parts. Jim

  • I have a Taz 5 without the enclosure. The biggest issue is temperature stability. However, I do a test print before I print real high quality items and verify how the environment affects the print. My Taz is in the garage where I have, for the last week dealt with big swings in temperatures, but had…