I used a “virtual” nozzle of 0.3mm with an actual 0.4mm nozzle and under extruded. The slicer just made the paths closer together which still provided solid layers. This was done on a MakerFront steel i3 wirh a e3d type extruder and Ubis heater core. I have also overextruded to provide smoother pr…
I have been able to “fool” my printer into printing text that will not come out when it is sliced. I was able to print it using my 0.2mm nozzle on my printrbot but wanted to use a filament that would not support. Most of the metal fill need a nozzle 0.4mm or above. [img_3053.jpg] By changing the…
I have two XL printers one is a Makerfront metal and the other is an acrylic version that can do PLA. My third XL does ABS and PETG. What color do you need? I can do some of them between now and Monday, I heard they take 2-3 hours each.