Howdy folks! I know there must be a bunch of you makers here in Orlando. I’m 6 months into my kit-built Prusa i3 (now with many mods) and loving every minute of it. I have tons of ideas in development and am interested in others who have the print bug too. I just launched my 3D printing business so …
What’s the feedback on the Nobel 1? How’s it working for people? Our hub wants to purchase one, but we aren’t convinced of the quality.
Hi All XYZ Ware received an update last night which I downloaded and installed, I haven’t been able to find release notes for it to get a better idea of what has been changed. Anybody else get the update or have info on it? Cheers Alan
I will plan on attending! I use the AutoDesk suite of software (123DDesign, MeshMaker) for design mostly. For printing, it’s Repetier and I slice with Cura and Slic3r. Good qualities of both I think. Now that Skeinforge is part of Repetier, I will be tinkering with that too.
I’m starting to think it is a industry standard to not have good customer service. I have dealt with MakerBot wanting me to pay $150 for them to tell me I need to uninstall Makerware and reinstall it and I have had to work with Stratasys at school, I can see where Makerbot gets it from. I have hear…
I think you have too much expectation for XYZ printer, they are not high-end products, the only reason we buy it is because of the price. I have 4 XYZprinting Nobel 1.0 and one Envsiontec Micro Advantage for my business, Envisiontec is much better, but the price is about 10 times of XYZprinting. If …
It’s a lot less the quality of the printer. Its exactly what you should expect from spending $650. The company made Forbes so I thought they would be decent.
I can say the school I attend has 4 Makerbot 2xs and my Da Vinci has far outlasted those printers but those printers have been abused by people who literally have no clue what they are doing. I will say that if you are looking for a plug-n-play just to produce knick knack and don’t possibly buying …
I understand your frustration. My experience is very different because I did not have to make use of their customer support, so I can’t comment on that part. I can however say that the printer is good value for money and once I circumvented the necessity of using their cartridge system, there is lit…