@Cinter thanks! I’m still working on improving the printed strap but I can send you the printed ‘watch’ section with a fabric strap if you like, or if you don’t mind waiting for the printed strap. Here’s my email to arrange: 3d@sambaguley.com
Thanks all! The printed strap is very basic and the fastening isn’t very secure at the moment but I’m planning to make a better one soon - when I do I’ll post details on a new thread. The ‘watch’ part is my previous project - it’s kind of a card holder in the shape of a smart watch. I’ve put it on E…
@cinter thanks, I can send you one if you want! I didn’t make any adjustments to the guide tube and it worked fine. The strap is a very simple flat shape though - I’m not sure how it will deal with more complex shapes.
Enjoyed the FlexSolid workshop at Fablab London last night - thanks to the organisers. I tried out the 2.85mm filament with my Ultimaker with default PLA settings - printed out a (very basic) watch strap which turned out pretty well. I like the texture and semi transparency. [IMG_1396.JPG] [IMG_13…